Landscape Plans for Planning Permission

Landscape plans for planning permission are a common request from local Authorities. Whether for a one off residential house in the country side, a residential development or a commercial development we have the expertise and strong track record in meeting the requirements of the local County Council.

In order to speed up your planning permission it is often a good idea to preempt a decision by the Local Authority to request a landscape plan and submit the proposals with the original application. Failing this, it will more than likely be requested as further information.

Some requests we have successfully dealt with recently from Local Authorities:

Galway County Council:

“Please submit a landscaping plan from a suitably qualified person for the proposed site, to assimilate the proposed two story dwelling house in the receiving environment, with a focus on the south eastern side boundary. Any plants and trees should be of native species only. “

Galway County Council

“Noting the exposed nature of the site with no natural screening and your proposal for a large two storey dwelling house, please submit a landscaping plan prepared by a suitably qualified person, which provides for screening of the proposed development with native trees and planting species.”

Galway County Council

“The subject site is open and exposed, removed from other dwellings and has no onsite screening due to the open boundaries of the site and absence of any screening in the form of trees or hedgerow……. ……Please provide for a landscaping plan for the proposed site, carried out by a suitably qualified person, which shall provide for native tree and hedgerow species and aids the overall screening of the proposed development. “

Galway County Council

We can liaise with your architect or engineer in order to prepare and submit proposals for your landscape planning proposals in a timely fashion.